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my discus fish in my 75 gallon community established tank

23 14:11:49

Hello, thanks for your time. This is a 2 part question! Anyway, I have a 75 gallon fish tank, theres actually various fish in there such as tri-color sharks, irredescent, and a silver dollar, elephant noses and 2 cory cats (keep that in mind). Anyway my girlfriend RECENTLY (like 2 days ago) bought me 3 discus's 1 is bigger then the others and the other 2 are a bit smaller. Anyway, one of the smaller ones is "head butting" the other smaller one when he sees him. Sometimes he dosen't but most of the time he does. Any idea how I can fix this? The tank has plenty of space. (should I add another discus)

Also Since there are other faster eating fish in the tank, whats the best way to ensure my discus get some food other then just tossing in alot of bloodworms or beefheart? I want to feed them the hikari gold I bought for their coloring but they can never get to it! So please anything you can tell me I'll appreciate it.

Hi Daniel,
  Turf fights are normal for cichlids so the head butting is just a natural thing and I don't see how you can "fix it".  The best way to reduce it is to make sure that the tank has lots of structure (wood, rock, plants, etc) to divide up the space.  

   As for the food, I suspect that will solve itself in time.  In the meantime, spread the food out when you put it in the tank.  That will help make it so that a few fish cannot monopolize the food.

-- Ron
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