Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > female betta now staying at bottom & turning on side some

female betta now staying at bottom & turning on side some

23 11:55:47

First thank you!  I have had my betta for approximately 6 months.  I have had not problems until now.  I have changed the water filter every month like they said to do and the water got about a 3 weeks ago, I have changed the water sever times, once completely the water still became cloudy.  My female betta, Angel, had fungus on her like the white/gray cottony growth on her tail and a little just above her fin tail.  I bought Jungle Fungus clear and Jungle water clear, I asked at the Feeders Supply if they could be used together and the gentleman said yes no problem.  So I did put them in to together in my ten gallon tank.  Angel seemed to be doing a little better on the fourth day and still had some fungus on her.  I changed the 25% maybe a little more of the water and then added fungus clear again, like the box says to do if needed.  The fungus seems gone, I think.  Now she stays at bottom & turning on side some, she does swim some.

Please help!  I bought a male betta too at the same time but he is in another fish tank of 25 gallons with gold fish he is doing fine.

When the water becomes cloudy, there is a reason.  Have you checked your ammonia, and nitrates?  Cloudy water means lack of good bacteria in your water.  Never change the water completely.  Buying products to make the water clear, do not work.  Ammonia is the number one killer of fish.  It is good to change your filter material every month, but not the sponge.  The sponge is good a long long time as it holds good bacteria that fish need to survive.  When cleaning your filter, rinse your sponge in the same water temperature as your tank to keep the good bacteria.  Your tank is lacking good bacteria, your ammonia level must be high.  I would buy a used sponge at the pet store, and do 10% water changes every day to get the ammonia level down to zero.  You may lose your fish.  Fungus is a sign of poor water conditions.  To get your fish back to health, your must have good water chemistry.  You can buy this small test kit at your pet store, as you will need it to check your water every day. The Ammonia test kit should be number one in your fish cabinet.  Making your water chemistry safe will take some time, so do not be discouraged if you see cloudy water, it will clear up in time.  Buy a used sponge to help bring good bacteria into your water, and do 10% water changes every day.  There is no other way to make your water safe.  Once the good bacteria is in your water, and ammonia is down to zero, your water will become clear.  This will take time.
When you get your water chemistry safe, then you do water changes of 25% every week to keep it free of ammonia, and nitrates.
I hope this helps, and that your fish will survive.