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Albino Oscar

23 14:24:59

Hi! I'm not sure how much you know about Oscars but mine is sick. I noticed a couple of days ago that she(?) was acting funny and not being as active. She was mostly swimming at the bottom of her tank. It is a 30 gallon tank and the levels are ok and I keep up with water changes every couple of weeks. I am now noticing what looks like holes in her fins and she has one good size hole on one of her gills. I have put a treatment that I picked up at a pet store that treats ick and some parasites. I am not sure what is going on and think maybe it is some kind of parasite. We have had her for about a year now and got her when she was very small. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Hi Jill,
 It is unlikely to be a parasite and much more likely due to the fact that you need to do more water changes.  With an oscar you need to change 25% of the water once a week, every week to keep the fish happy and healthy, particularly as they get older and larger.

 I am also very leery about adding medications or chemicals that MIGHT solve a problem.  Only medicate if you know what the problem is.  Many medications are as hard on the fish as the original problem is.

-- Ron
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