Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > air bubble

air bubble

23 15:11:28

one of my goldfish has been swimming on his side now for about a month, everything seems fine except for that. when i tap on the glass he goes upright for a second,then back over. he is still eating fine. they are about 5 yrs. old and live in a 10 gallon tank. i had my water tested and it was fine. i heard it might be an air bubble? i would like to know how to help him....
p.s. my mothers name is kris robbins!
thank you for listening!

Hi Liz;

Try feeding him some cooked, cooled, and squished peas. This should help him "pass his gas". Feed him only the peas until he is swimming normally again. Give him brine shrimp, chopped spinach or peas at least 3 times a week. This should keep him in good shape.

My full name is Christine Robbins. Most people think I'm a guy because I use the shortened version of my name! I am a stay-at-home mom of four and I love it. My kids are why I retired from the pet business. They need me more than the store ever did. My oldest son is 21 now, and I have a 16 year old son as well as 11 year old twin girls. My husband is a contractor so I do the bookkeeping for him at home. I really enjoy volunteering for AllExperts too. It gives me the chance to use my knowledge and skills without leaving home.

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At Your Service;
Chris Robbins