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Beta Fin

23 13:56:20

 I had my male beta about 2 months now. I changed water once every 2 weeks and keep him in my office w/ air conditioning on. He had been doing fine until 3 days ago I noticed his tale fin started shredding and became shorter. I changed water immediately and put some aquarium salt, but it keeps getting less and less just like it's been tear off. He is still very active and eats normal. I haven't put any medication yet, since my previous one died after I applied the "Betta Revive" from Aquarium Solutions. I'm afraid to loss this one again. Please help!!! Thank you.

ANSWER: Hello,
I will try to help you as much as I can.  First of all your betta should not be in an air conditioned room.  The temperature of the water should be the same temperature as the air he breaths...and he should be kept in 76-80 degree water.  
You didn't mention the size bowl or aquarium he is in, so I will assume he is in a 1 gallon bowl.  Buy an eye dropper and Malafix.  Put 2-3 drops in his water and add one drop everyday for three days, then change all the water...repeat for another three days...change all the water again.  Make sure you are using a good water conditioner to remove the clorine etc.   Make sure that you have no other medication or salt in his water while giving him this treatment.  Betta's are not like other fish, so do not use full dosage written on the bottle, it could kill your Betta.  If you find that your betta is stressed with this medication stop it, and get back to me, we will find another solution.  Usually if caught in time, your betta should heal rather quickly.  
Hope this helps

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I've been watching my beta closely in these days. I found he is chasing his own tail and biting his tail as well. That's why the tail is getting shorter and uneven length. Why would beta biting his own tail? Any suggestion how to stop it? Thank you!

Hi Carlene,
I have heard of this before, and it could be a number of reasons...It could be that he is hungry, stressed, or his water condition...or the environment he is living in.  You haven't told me the size of his bowl, but hopefully it would be a least one gallon.  This is what I would do if it were me...I would bring the beta home, and put him in a place where there is no air conditioning, I would change the decor in his bowl.  Beta's love long silk leaf plants, and they are not expensive, I would buy him one, and something to put at the bottom of his bowl, like a little tunnel that he can go through...The Petshops have different things for beta's, they will show you.  I would change his water completely, and add a good conditioner...make sure the water is the same temperature he is in...then I would add 1/2 teaspoon salt, and one drop of aquarisol to his water, and then I would put him in his new decor.  If he is in a one gallon bowl, you must change all the water once a week.  I do this with mine, and I have had beta's living happily for years.  I strongly feel it is his environment that is making him act this way, and hopefully he will stop if you do these changes.  Try feeding him pellets, and give him 4-5 pellets three times a day. If you keep him in an air conditioned room, the poor beta is freezing, he's cold...the beta should be in at least 76-80 degree water.  If you keep him in a warmer room, I'm quite sure, he will be content, and happy.  They are smart, and make good pets...I hope this helps you.