Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > I need help desperately ...please!

I need help desperately ...please!

23 14:20:53

Hi Tina,
I hope you can help me. My son left me with his fish-tank to take care of but I seem to hardly know anything about it! I was told to change the water a half bucket a day which I do. Unfortuanately I find the tank getting foggier and foggier. Its like mist at the moment. I also do not have a heater in it. Its a tank with a few fish.75=35 cms. What do I do to get it clear?
thanks in advance,
Hugs tania

Tania,                                                       If the fish are goldfish it is ok not to have a heater. If not they need a heater. Your cloud is caused by bacteria growing in your tank. Its ok this is necessary for the well being of your fish. You need to stop changing the water so frequently. Let the tank settle down and go get a siphon from your local petshop. You need to siphon your rocks and change the carbon in the filter once a month.Your siphon will take the solid wastes out of the rocks and take the water out at the same time. Then just replace the water add a water conditioner  especially if its city water you will need a water conditioner that has dechlorinator in it. Good Luck,Tina