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Albino cory catfish lost barbels, hole in snout

23 14:26:48

I have a albino cory catfish whose barbels have "disappeared" and it's mouth now appears open all of the time, looks like part of it's "lip" is missing, like there is a hole there. Is there a medication I can use to treat it? I moved him to a 1.5 gallon "hospital" tank. I have Melafix, Pimafix, Myracyn & Myracyn2, however do not know if any of them would help.
Thank you!  

It sounds like lock jaw. You need to quarentine him, and dose melafix, and i belive myracyn.

What is your substrate like?

here is a test for you. Grab a nice big handful of substrate. SQUEEZE it as HARD as you can. If it hurts your hand, its not good for your fish.