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Goldfish red gills and breast fin roots

23 14:01:59

QUESTION: I noticed one of my 5 goldfishes started showing redness on both gills and roots of breast fins about 10 days ago.  I brought to Petsmart and was recommended to treat the goldfish bacteria gill disease in a hospital tank with antibiotic (tetracycline).  However, after 4-day treatment with 4 doses in hospital tank, the redness did not go away.  Since the goldfish doesn't like the small hospital tank too much and he already got enough doses of antibiotic, I put the goldfish back to big tank with other companies and hope he can recover soon.  But after 2 days, I noticed the redness on gills and breast fin roots is not going away and this goldfish is breathing rapidly and gasping on the surface all the time.  What happens to this goldfish?  BTW, I do not see any raggedness on the gills like most bacteria gill disease symptom.  The only symptoms are the redness and breathing problem.  In addition, this redness doesn't seem contagious because other four goldfishes in the same tank are pretty healthy.  Thank you very much!

ANSWER: How big is your tank?

If it is smaller than 55 gallons there is nothing you can do, they will always have disease.

Either way, it is caused by poor water quality. Water changes should be at least 30% twice a week. Up your water changes to 40% every other day for awhile and it should be fine. Sounds like your fish are suffering from specemicia, ammonia poisoning. Did you cycle your tank properly?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yes, my tank is only 25 gallon.  However, I did change 50% water twice per week.  In addition, I brought my water to PetsMart for checking and everything is fine.  

As a matter of fact, I am suspecting the redness on gills and breast fin roots might be blood and I noticed redness below the chin underneath skin today.  I am suspecting it is parasite related.  Besides, this goldfish folds his fins often and gasping on the water surface.  As a precaution, I already moved him to the small hospital tank with fresh new water with salt.  I also raised the temperature to 80 degree to see what happens.  Any recommendation on the next step?  Thanks a lot!


Well, your water may be fine but there is more to disease than water quality. Your fish will be stunted in a small tank, that means their bones will not grow properly. This opens up a whole new way for bacteria to infect your fish, even in perfect water conditions.

Specemicia is part parasite related, but it is a bursting of the blood vessels, so if the vessels are close to the skin you should be able to see them inside your fish no problem. That is a sign that is has gotton more severe however, as it usually moves from the outside in.

Just continue up with the salt, there aren't many medication for this kind of disease. Prevention is better than treatment.
