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FW ANgels and ABN pleco

23 11:52:21

Hi Ron, you once helped me a couple of years ago and you were right on the money!  This time, I am asking two questions.  First, to juvenile koi angelfish that I have in a quarantine take seem to be suffering from some type of cloudy eye infection.  It is only on one side (one eye) and have already Maracyn Plus, and two weeks later, Sulfathiazole, both to no avail. Can you suggest some other treatment?  Secondly, I just bought via aquabi 3 small albino bushy nose plecos.  I was told that I should put a piece of driftwood in with them.  My question is:  what type of driftwood should I use, and yet not upset the current water conditions?  The tank inhabitants are angelfish.  Thanking you in advance, Bruce

Hi Bruce,
 The cloudy eye is almost certainly the result of being bitten by another fish.  Consider isolating those fish for a little while to let them heal.

 There are only a few kinds of driftwood that you can buy at a fish store (I would NOT collect my own).  Get the softer stuff, not the very hard stuff.  Ideally, soak it for a few weeks in a bucket outside, changing the water every few days, to get most of the tanins out, before you put it in your tank.

-- Ron
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