Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Can you tell me about my fish?

Can you tell me about my fish?

23 14:24:54

I bought a Thai Wolf Fish and tried researching about them over the
net. I googled the name and went on various websites and could not find
the picture of my fish nor any information. Do you know any information
about this kind of fish? I fell in love with this fish because of how
rare it looks (looks like a rock fish)and am trying to see if i got a
good bargain on it (bought it for $10). Please let me know. Thanks

Hi Joe,
 Unfortunately, I have never heard the name "Thae wold fish" and I have heard a lot of fish names.  Can you possibly send me a photo of it, to the address below, and I might be able to tell you an alternate name for that fish.

-- Ron
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