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new africian cichlids

23 14:50:02

we recently set up a 40 gal cichlid tank. we have 2 africians in there that are about 1 inch big. there is also a algea eater and a leporinius (?) in there. what else can i put in there with them? and how many more fish?  and they arent eating anything off the top of the tank. none of the floating food. only  tubiflex worm that we stick to the walls of the tank and shrimp pellets. are they too young yet to eat regualr floating cichlid pellets or the krill?  also, what bottom cleaners can i put in? catfish, ect? anything else we should  know about cichlids? thanks so much  

Hi Mary,
  The number of fish you can put in a tank depends partly on the size of the tank, but also on the complexity of the tank, i.e,. the amount of rock, wood, plants etc that break up the space.  The more complex the tank, the more fish you can put in there.   

  As for the food, give them time.  It takes a while for cichlids to get used to new foods.  

  You can consider any of the many kinds of catfish such as Plecostomus or corydoras catfish.  In general, catfish and cichlids leave each other alone.   

-- Ron
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