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Goldfish with a swollen eye.

23 15:04:39

I recently purchased a Fantail goldfish. The first few weeks the eyes on all fish were ok. I noticed a few days ago one's left eye is swollen and slightly back. Other than that it's a healthy fish. I've looked in books but can find out what it is. Is there a contagious eye disease like a gill disease?

Thank you for your time.

Pamela Felling

Hi Pamela;

He may have injured it and it is infected. Sometimes fish will bump things and the injury doesn't show right away. I don't think it is anything contagious. Make plenty of water changes to keep the water clean and help him to heal. Normal water changes should be 25% every week. Right now while he is sick, do them twice a week. Don't forget water conditioner.

If it doesn't look better after 2 or 3 days he may need medicine to treat the infection. Use "Maracyn 2" by Mardel. It gets inside the fish where infection is to treat it. It would be better to treat him in a separate hospital tank because this type of medicine can make a mess of your tank. The other fish should not be exposed to medicine if they aren't sick anyway.

Hope he feels better soon.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins