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8+ year old Betta

23 15:06:06

I just read the question from the person who had their Betta for 4-5 years and was sad to discover that I may actually be losing my beloved Betta.  I've had him for almost 8 years.  He was given to me as a gift in a vase, but by the first winter , it didn't seem very happy, so I put it in a small tank.  While he's changed homes a couple of times over the years, he never went back to the vase.  He is very lethargic now, kind of suspended vertically in the water, darting to the top occasionally and sinking back down.  I've lowered the water in the tank (1.5 gal tank) so that he doesn't have so far to get to the top, I also warmed the water gradually.  I feel so helpless, every morning I fully expect to find that he's passed, but he keeps hanging in there, making me feel that there is something more I can do for him.  Any suggestions?  Thank you, Lisa

Hi Lisa;

He has lived a good long life with good care from you and there just isn't much more you can do for him I'm afraid. Just keep the water temperature as high as possible. I really hesitate to even mention it, but if you feel he must be helped along in his journey there is a very good site about euthanasia. It is a very personal decision, so just do what you think is best for you and for your little friend. Here is the link;

Chris Robbins