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I Need Your Help

23 14:14:15

Hi Ron,  
 My fish laid eggs a 4 weeks ago and babies have hatched. Last week, I noticed that on the mother fish, there is something red hanging out of her bottom(not sure if her anus or the the place where the eggs comes out). It almost looks like a type of prolapse uterus/anus. Also I am not sure, but can it be a tumor? Here is more information, she is a flowerhorn(not sure if species related), eating really well,again the thing hanging out of her bottom is red, she is very active guarding her fries, and does not look stressed.  Any information is greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Hi Carl,
 It almost certainly is exactly what you thought it was: prolapsed material from inside the fish (either the oviduct or possibly part of the intestine).  As far as I know, there really isn't anything you can do about that. On the positive side, it doesn't necessarily cause any particular problems.

-- Ron
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