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New Betta with black eyes

23 14:57:05

My daughter had two bettas (Spot & Dot) each in their own 1 gallon tank.  The tanks have the "tube filters" in them.  Dot died suddenly (probably old age) and I didn't want to tell her because I knew it would devistate her. I went and bought a new betta that I thought looked like Dot.  He was in a cup with black stuff floating in it and I felt so sorry for him. When my daughter saw him in the tank, she was so upset to see that he had black eyes (unlike Dot #1). Are black eyes normal for bettas, or should I be treating "New Dot" for some kind of eye disease?  She thinks he's creepy, but doesn't want him to go back and live in a cup again.


Black eyes are normal for bettas, as long as "New Dot's" eyes are not milky or cloudy, you've got nothing to worry about. You can shine a flashlight on his eyes to check for cloudiness, if you spot anything "fishy," add some fresh clean water to his tank. Betta's eyes can be almost any color you can think of, I've got a little guy with bright blue eyes!

Good luck with your little guys!
-Amber Worman