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beta out of water

23 14:59:16

We have had our betta, Ryan Pictor, for about a month now and have grown very attached. (Our 3rd betta) Two days ago, I was cleaning his bowl and put him in a smaller one while I made sure it was room temp. I left the room for about 20 or 30 minutes. When I came back, he was gone! He had jumped out of the bowl, off the counter and onto the floor! When I picked him up, he was sort of "stuck" to the floor. I put him back in his bowl. He seemed in shock and swam around like a nut for a bit, but since then he is very quiet- too calm, won't eat (or spits it out), doesn't have much reaction, his color is off, and there is white stuff floating in the water. Do you think he'll be okay? Should I get medicine?
Thank you for any help!

Hi Noreen;

Poor guy. That happens sometimes.

When he was dried out it caused parts of the outer layers of his fins and skin to "die". It will peel off and he should heal as long as infection doesn't set in. So, change the water every day for a week or so and use aquarium salt and BettaFix or MelaFix too. These products have natural ingredients that help healing and help prevent infection.

If he has whitish splotches or moldy-looking areas on him, he probably already is infected. Get a product called "Fungus Eliminator", or any other product that treats fungus as well as bacterial infections. Here is a link to what the fungus eliminator container looks like and details about it;

You can use the BettaFix or MelaFix along with the Fungus medicine too.

I hope he feels better soon........

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins