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Goldfish maybe ill?!?

23 11:13:03

QUESTION: We have a 60 gal tank with 3 common goldfish and a black moor. Now
we gotten this tank about 2 months ago and yet did not put gravel in the
tank.  As we noticed for the past week or so or more, they stay at the
bottom of the filter except for the black moor. He stays at the top. We
think it is swim bladder so we have been feeding him peas for the past 3
months. But one specific goldfish bobbles at the bottom in corners then
she actually stays still and doesnt move. And she would stay like this for
hours until the other nudge her and move around. Then she will eat and
move around fine for a little bit then continue to do it again later on. Could
she have a parasite?
Her eyes are also very cloudy nd buldging out more the. Before

ANSWER: It is very possible that the fish has an infection. It may be more logical that the Nitrite levels are at unsafe levels in the tank. You should monitor the parameters of the water regularly. IF you can get to a pet store in time and purchase quick dip test strips, you will be able to check 6 different things at once, Nitrite, Nitrate, Ph level, chlorine/chloramine, hardness/alkalinity of the water. Try this and see if the water levels are at a safe level for the fish. Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: We checked and indeed it was the levels in the tank. We did a couple
water changes and used a conditioner to help ease it. It bringsit down to a
.25 then the next day 1.0. And also not one but 3 of goldfish is hiding in
the corner again. And they do it most of the I clearing this
nitrite/nitrate problem wrong?? Am I taking the wrong steps and if there is
any special med I can use to cure this.

ANSWER: Water conditioners should only be used when adding tap water to the tank most commonly to remove chlorine. I set up a 55 gallon tank and one time I had an outbreak of the same situation. I had to change almost 50 % of the water daily for almost a week before it became safe and healthy again. Continue to change the water At least 25 % a day until the nitrite levels become safe. Only use chemicals to remove chlorine upon adding tap water to the tank. I would recommend you use stress coat to remove the chlorine and then stress zyme as it is recommended on the bottle until this problem is solved. Good luck once again and remember im always here to help.

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QUESTION: I came to you before with a problem with my fish and it helped very well. Sorry for no response but you get busy between the fish and work.
But our 3 goldfish plus black moor died within a 4 day span.

It started off when after we had a little problem with the ammonia, they seem to get ick from the tails to the top of their bodies. we cured them with Api ick cure and it seemed to work and go away. Then they started to act funny by flashing, twitching, and staying at the bottom again. Check the levels, and they were fine. Then one day, our big goldfish looked like a ghost covered in white but it wasnt a fungus. before i could get meds, i came home to them covered with fungus all over their bodies, including the gills and eyes. I looked some things up and it came up to be columnaris. So off to the pet store i went and got maracyn I since it did say it cures columnaris. after the med, the white came off 2 of our fish but one end up bleeding out from the body and tail. with some cotton like growths from his gills. he basically covered from white to red all over his body. all fins were frayed and black. then looking up online i read that maracyn II was better to cure columnaris. so i bought it and used it the following day. The fish didnt improve and it also got worse. the next morning, the fish were dead, covered in white with little bleeding out of the scales. they died very quickly due to this disease. i cant believe how quickly they suffered. I dont think it was columnaris cause obviously the meds didnt work. i wanna know what it also could have been to kill them. Also i need to know how to clean this whole tank out. and get all of this fungus out so i can prepare for more fish.

What you are describing is picture perfect signs of parasitic and also bacterial infections. You needed maracyn 2 and maracide or maroxy to cure these. Chances are, the fish had either parasites or bacterial infection before it was noticed. Then, by treating for parasites, it is more susceptible to bacterial and secondary infection which is exactly what happened, according to your descriptions. Sorry we couldn't get it resolved. If you have any issues again, get with asap at the first sign of health issues. To get rid of this, just empty all water and decor and clean it all before you set it back up. As long as the water has been removed and the decor cleaned, you will be fine. Don't hesitate to ask questions from here on out. By the way,mardel brand medications such as  maracyn is the best meds in my eyes, I refuse to use any other type of meds. It has always prevailed for me, this is why I believe that the fish were much further into the disease than we thought. Again, don't hesitate to get halp, that's what I'm here for. Good luck.