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Tankmate for betta

23 13:59:25

Hi Ron,
Sorry to bother you with a non-cichlid question, but all the other experts are maxed out or on vacation. And Nick in Canada, who's still taking questions, emailed back rather tersely that I've already asked him this question before, when in fact, I've never asked anyone on this site about this at any time.  Go figure.

Anyway, I have a 5 gal. tank (filtered & heated to a steady 78-degrees).  Currently, I have 1 male betta and 2 neon tetras, which get along well.  I was hoping to add a spotted puffer to the "family" but can't find much info on compatibility.  I believe that puffer's need salinated water, which I already maintain in this tank (1 tbsp. aquarium salt/5 gals. water).

Can you please advise if these fish would be compatible, and the environment acceptable for a puffer?

Thank you for your time!

Hi Vicki,
 Absolutely do NOT put a puffer in there.  Puffers look cute -- and they are -- but they are highly predatory and it will only be a matter of time before he eats the fins off the betta and eats the neon tetras.

-- Ron
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