Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Bully Auratus

Bully Auratus

23 15:01:30

" I have a 55 gal tank with 6 african cichlids all between 1.5" to 2.5". The tank has been setup for only about two weeks now. Recently I noticed several of the fish with bitten tail fins. There is plenty of cover for the fish including plastic plants and caves. The most agressive and largest of the fish is an auratus that chases all of the other fish constantly. How can I cut down the agressiveness? I do not want the bully auratus to kill any of the other fish."

Hi Brandon,
  If the smaller fish are still getting bitten then I would say that you need to add yet more structure because clearly the structure that you have (plants, caves) is not enough.  

-- Ron
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