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koi pond

23 11:14:17

I recently added some koi to my garden pond. They have started jumping around 1ft out of the water, not out of the pond though. Can you tell me why..?
I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks Jo!

Koi (especially their wild counterparts) jump, and I've seen them jump several feet in the air for 3 major reasons, all of witch come into effect around this time of year.

1.) Spawning. I am not confirming this is happening, but one of my carp ponds I fish looked like people were throwing giant rocks into the water all over the lake because the carp we spawning and jumping so much.

2.) Heat. Carp (koi) try to swim upstream to get out of the heat and into cooler water. This would only be happening if its warm where you live though.

3.) Food. I doubt this is a problem if you feed them enough, but carp often try to find foob by jumping in the air to swim up a river as I mentioned earlier. There is more food in streams than in the mud flats they are native to.

Hope this helps a little!