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fish senses

23 11:32:50

QUESTION: how do fish sense food other than looking at it?

ANSWER: well how fish sence live food, as in food that moves ive heard is they can feel the water particles moving, which i think is amazing because if you have a filter, the water is being moved there cleverer than people think =] not too sure if they can smell it

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: so you're saying that if there was a fish a certain distance away from its food it can feel it as long as the water particles move in the area the fish is in?

kinda but more like...if a fish was a certain distance away from food, and that food suddenly started swimming away, it would cause the water to move and the fish would know...

kinda like when we go swimming, if someones leg goes past us when there swimming, sometimes you can feel the water hit your leg