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Fatty stomach

23 11:17:53

I have a pair of Green Terror for almost 4 months, i am not aware of the sex, but they had been having a courtship behaviour like wagging tail towards each other, lip-locking etc., in the beginning. Last few days one of them presumably female has a bulged stomach. I had never overfed them and the tank conditions are good. She had been pooping some white straw like substance almsost all time. The other Green terror probably male had been idling on the other end. Please advise whether the bulged stomach has any problem? how to treat it? Incase if it is pregnant will it be bulged? Will there  be any symptoms of laying eggs???

Hi Shanky,
 The white feces are a bad sign and indicate that she has an intestinal infection.  Unfortunately this is difficult to treat. One thing you might try is feeding her fibrous food like thawed frozen green peas. This ruffage helps move things through the digestive tract and can help clear it out.

-- Ron C.
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