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my new bettas have white spots

23 14:47:12

Dear Amber,
I have three new bettas in a new tank. I had my water tested beafore buying the fish. The water tampature is 76 degrees. I've noticed in the last few days that my fish have developed some white spots and their fins have been down.
Should I be worried? What should I do?


Hello Kate-

I am assuming by default that your bettas are either all female in one tank, or all male in a divided tank. Never keep two or more males together without something separating them, or they'll kill each other, as you probably know.

The white spots are probably Ich, which is easily treated with a medicine called QuickCure (at WalMart, PETsMART, etc.) Follow the dosing instructions and you should be cleared up in less than a week. As for clamped fins (I think that's what you were mentioning in your question...) you can either raise the water temperature up to about 80 F, or you can add some Melafix or aquarium salt to the tank.

Hope this is useful,
Amber Worman