Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > We have a new fish tank and its a 55 gallon tank

We have a new fish tank and its a 55 gallon tank

23 14:49:02

hi i hope you could answer this question for me since i dont know were to look. we have a 55 gallon tank at my house down stiars and we have bala sharks angel fishes cat fishs white mollys black mollys and orange mollys and the one molly wont eat and wont swim even wont play with the other mollys im starting to think that it might have "New Tank Syndrome," or  might have something else and might be dtressed out to the max and its about to died and i just wanted to ask if there is anything to do to save it and lover the ph and other stuff in the water if you could get back to me asap that would be great thanks alot

randy friend

Well, Randy, I'm guessing that you have just set this tank up since you mentioned, "New Tank Syndrome".

What that ususually refers to is the build up of ammonia because the biological filter is not yet working. In order to compensate for that I'd recommend that you reduce feeding for a few days and do a 20% water change. If you have an ammonia test kit, it might be helpful to test the water before you do a water change.

Be sure you properly treat the new water to remove chlorine and make sure the temperature of the new water and the tank match.

Good Luck!

Chris Bushman
North Hollywood, California