Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Agressive Betta

Agressive Betta

23 15:07:13


I have a 10 gallon aquarium that contains 1 Betta, 2 Neon tetras, 2 tuxedo platies and 2 other fish that I can't remember (they are some type of rainbow fish, 1 pink and 1 blue. Looks a lot like my platies). I was told that all those fishes were compatible with a Betta.

Everything was going well until yesterday. My Betta has become very active in the tank and no longuer hides (which he did quite often). He chases the tuxedo platies around the tank and then turns around as if nothing happened. He has also started swelling his head at the blue rainbow fish once in a while as if defending his territory.

I am wondering if any of my fishes are in danger of dying or if there is something wrong with my Betta. He was fine with them before and all of a sudden is getting agressive. I don't really know what to do.


Hi Chantal;

He has become sexually mature and is flexing his muscles! Watch the other fish for injuries. If he hurts them you may have to move his little bully fanny out if there. Most bettas are fine with other fish, but sometimes they get like yours.

You might also try putting a little mirror in one corner of the tank. He will see it as another betta and hopefully preoccupy himself with his reflection.

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