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Pleco with rubbery bump on nose

23 14:23:53

I have a 16" black plecostomus.  It has had a whittish (not fungus) area on the tip of her nose for about 6 months.  I was not too concerned after seeing that she sometimes rests upside down with her nose pressed against the gravel. 7 days ago, I noticed that the whitish area had turned red.  I thought maybe Rosebud (the pleco) rammed her nose against something in the tank (sometimes Rosebud gets a little jumpy).  I started adding Metafix to the tank.  Today, the red bump has ballooned into a "rubbery blob" on her nose (slightly larger than a green pea and wabbles when she moves).  Is this a tumor?  Or perhaps an injury that has become a blister like cyst?  Besides Metafix, is there anything that I should consider?  Thank you.

Brenda,                                                       How big is your tank? They grow like crazy. In tanks that are a little too small for them they can injure themselves.It sounds like he hurt himself and got abit of an infection. Get tetracycline and treat him . Take your carbon out. Treat him for the whole 7 days. Not that this will stop him from doing it again. You might want to think of getting him a bigger tank.I know how we get attached . Good Luck , Tina