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Pleco with african cichlids?

23 12:00:53

Hi Lynda,
 I have an african 40 gallon tank and have tried putting in 2 different types of plecos in, 1 was a bushy-nose, the other was a pleco i got from a local pet store. The bushy nose lasted about 2 weeks and didnt seem to do too much for the tank, just spending his time in the corner not reall eating algae, the replacement went to town as soon as he entered the tank going from side to side. Sadly the replacement got attacked and was killed when his tank mates ganged up on him. I was wondering if I can keep a pleco in the tank? If so what type of pleco should I look for? Thank you for your time Lynda

Hi Christopher,
Seeing has your fish attacked the pleco, I wouldn't add any other bottom fish.  Pleco's may eat a little algae, but they also need to be fed pellets specially made for them.  Most Plecos get very big, and if you want my opinion, I wouldn't keep one with African Cichlids.  They do eat algae, but not that much, and have to be given other food to survive.  Depending on the African Cichlids you have, some are very territorial, and may kill any other fish that comes into your tank.  Do not overcrowd your tank, as this would only make things worse among them.  I have seen real massacres occur with African Cichlids, so be on the lookout.  Have lots of hiding places, the more the better!  I found that changing their decor every now and then helped.  While busy making new territories, kept their mind off attacking each other.  They are beautiful fish, but Oh so bad!  Make sure your water is alkaline, and do water changes every week without fail.
As for adding other bottom fish, I wouldn't think of it!