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my fish is turning white!

23 11:04:25

A little under a year ago, I noticed my fish (what I think is a "Mountian Cloud" fish) with a white belly. Last time this happened, my fish had babies so I thought it was pregnet. One fish died with a white belly later. Now, belly is bigger and more white. I read about them and heard their colors fade after a little while but it looks more than faded. Is it sick or just supposted to be like that? It's acting fine so i'm confuzed. Please help.

         Ben Byrd

Hi Ben,
  I have never kept mountain cloud fish but a general rule is that if the fish is acting fine, then you are best to not mess with it. Keep doing your regular water changes.  Ideally you should be changing 25% of the water in the tank once a week, every week.  That is the best thing you can do to keep your fish happy and healthy.   I would not start adding chemicals to the tank to "treat" it.  

-- Ron C.
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