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fish behaviour

23 11:42:07

hi i have bought 1 clown loach and 2 red rainbow fish about 2 days ago, and one red rainbow is nicely colouring, but the other is fairly dull but the nice coloured one is picking on the other one its bottom fins have frayed but its not life threatening i dont think but at night they both sleep at the top asif they havent settled and the one bullied still eats normally. we have a mountain in our tank with holes in and the clown loach just stays in there the whole time and im worried he isn't eating. please help
alex x

Hi Alex,
 Well, it sounds like the one is bullying the other.  There is no magic solution to stopping that. Your best bet is to make sure that there are lots of hiding places in the tank for the weaker fish to go if it needs to get away.

-- Ron C.
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