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37 gallon cube

23 11:25:53

I just came across a 37 gallon cube and was thinking it would make a nice tank for a pair of german blue rams, my question is what type of setup ie substrate plants driftwood to use and possible tankmates? thnx

Hi Bradley,
Since rams like acidic water, driftwood would be very nice.  A few overturned pots would also be helpful to the rams, since they would most likely use it to spawn.  As for plants you would have to ask a plant expert.  We have one on the team who could guide you on which plants to buy.  Cory catfish get along with rams, and Angel fish.  Honey Gouramis are also good tankmates, but you must provide floating plants, and try to buy them the same sex.  Neons also get along as long as you put a school of neons in the tank first.  It would be best to have one male ram to 2-3 females, as disputes can happen between males.  Other dwarf rams can also be added to the mix.  Rosy Barbs are another choice, but they must be kept in groups of 5 or more.
I hope this helps.