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Power Outage

23 11:25:52

I have a 3.5 gallon tank with 1 tiger barb in it. Yesterday the power was out for 10 hours (we are having major construction done at the house), no one noticed the fish tank was without power.  As soon as I got home from work I knew it wasn't good....we got power back on to the tank (it was only suppose to be off for 3 hours)and my fish was upside down but still moving and breathing. I thought for sure by this morning he would be dead but to my surprise he is still breathing.  But he can't turn himself over and when he trys to swim to the bottom he just floats back to the top , belly up.  Is there anything I can do for him?  The temp in the tank is back to normal but I think it might be to little to late.

Hi Amy,
The little fish went without oxygen for a long time.  Personally, I don't think he will make it, but do a water change, and make sure he has lots of water movement in his tank.  It may help.  It is much like us, if we go without oxygen, we die, but in some cases a fish may recover.  I hope he does.