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My Black Moor is limp and swimming funny

23 14:50:16

HI I have a couple of black moors, 2 catfish, 2 guppies and a goldfish in a tank.  Just in the last couple of days one of the black moors seems lethargic and limp.  He isn't swimming around as much as normal, he just seems to float about with the current.  Occasionally he seems to get stuck in the plants and he just sits there.  He is alive and he does eat.

Hello Karina-

Is the tank big enough for all of the fish? 5 gallons is the absolute smallest for this many fish...Your black moore could be experiencing ammonia poisoning if the tank is too small.

I would recommend a full water change no matter how big the tank is. Be sure to add water conditioner, or your tap water will kill your fish. You can turn down the filter to reduce the current, and see if he swims on his own.

Hope this is helpful, feel free to write back with further questions.
-Amber Worman