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betta cave and food

23 11:51:45

QUESTION: hello. i got a betta fish yesterday and everything is fine except for when i feed him, he never sees it. my betta is always at the bottom of my 10 gallon aquarium and when i drop some betta pellets into the water, he can't see them. I've tried moving my fingers across the surface to make it look like there moving but he will just stay at the bottom of my tank. do you know what i can do to make my betta see my food? (by the way, i am pretty sure my betta is not sick because he acts fine, he just can't see his food)
also, I've read that bettas like small holes that they can hide in and i was wondering do you know a way i can MAKE a safe hiding hole for my betta?

thank you so much

ANSWER: Hi Paul,
The problem might be that he does not like the food you are giving him, and is ignoring it.  Bettas are good at ignoring food they don't want!!  If your Betta was in one of those small bowls they keep them in at the Pet Store, he is probably getting use to your tank.  Poor thing, it is so sad what they do to them.  If this is the case, he will pick up in a few days.  It's like he can't believe his luck!  However, I would buy him some frozen bloodworms, and give him some as a treat.  They love bloodworms, but should get them only once a week as a treat.  When he begins to eat, vary his diet as much as possible.  Betta Pellets, Betta Flakes, Daphnia, and let him fast once a day a week.  On the day that he fasts, give him one  cooked frozen pea.  Remove the outer layer, and cut it into tiny pieces, feeding them to your betta one piece at a time.  This is to prevent Swim Bladder Disease.  Bettas are prone to constipation, and the pea helps him clean out his system.  When feeding your Betta, feed him 2-3 small meals a day...example:  2 pellets for one meal.  The Betta's tummy is the size of his eye, we must remember this when feeding him.
It could also be that your water is too cool.  A Betta should be in 80 degree water, he is a tropical fish.  If the water is cool, he is cold, and will not eat.  If you bring up the temperature, do this very very slowly.  One degree every two days, as bringing up the temperature too fast could cause his death.
Bettas do love little tunnels that they can go through.  They have some at the Pet Store for a small sum.  You might even find something at the dollar store that would be okay.  Make sure that it is smooth, and that there are no sharp edges where he could hurt himself.  They also love a silk plant where they can go and rest on the leaves.
I hope that he soon starts to eat, and if you have anymore questions, please write me again.  I love Bettas.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thank you so much
also, would it be unhealthy if i fed my betta fish flakes not specifically designed for bettas? the bottle of flakes says it is for tropical fish

It would really be better to buy him a good flake made especially for bettas, and Betta Pellets.  Some fish flakes depending on who made them haven't got the necessary vitamins that fish need.  Betta Pellets that are made by Hikari, are very good for bettas.  When fish don't get the right foods, they get sick, are weak, and then you end up spending lots of money to save them.  In the long run, it is better to buy them good quality food.  Betta Pellets will last you a long time, along with any other food you buy for him.  Maybe this is the reason why he is not eating.  Some flakes are more for vegetarian fish.  The Betta is not a vegetarian.  This is the reason he is not eating.  Call the fish store where you bought him, and ask them what they fed the Betta.  He must eat, and he won't eat the flakes.  He will get weak, and sick.  He is probably use to what was fed to him at the Pet Store.  Buy him pellets, and bloodworms to begin with.  Give him the bloodworms once a week like I wrote you, and the pea once a week too, and you should have no problems.  I breed bettas, and have for a long time, and they never ate flakes that were not made especially for them.  They all love the pellets, and of course, the bloodworms.  Bloodworms can be found freeze dried, which is less expensive, and easier to give to your Betta.
Hope this helps