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Betta fish lump

23 13:55:58

Our 2 yr old male has developed a reddish brown sac like lump under his chin. it almost looks free flowing and very sac/clear like. He is well looked after with frequent water changes, feeding and interaction with my 10 yr old son. Any ideas? Thank You.

It is hard to say what this is exactly.  It could be bacterial...check your water to see if it is ammonia free, if not do water changes to bring it to zero.  Check to see if you Betta is not constipated.  If he is, give him the pea treatment.  Cook a pea till it is tender, remove the first skin, cut it up in small pieces, and give it to your Betta.  He should be given one pea a week. If his water is clean, then you could try Malafix, but READ me carefully.  I am going to give you instructions on how to use Malafix on a Betta.  They are sensitive to this medication, but it works wonders.  Buy Malafix, and an eye dropper.  If your Betta is in a one Gallon Bowl, put 3(THREE) DROPS in his water and 1(ONE) drop everyday for the next three days....then change 80% of the water, and add 3(THREE) DROPS again, and one drop every day for 3 days...then change all the water.  If you notice that your Betta is wobbling after you have given the medication, stop it immediately and change all the water...but this shouldn't happen.  Lumps can be tumors too, and there is no cure for tumors.  Sometimes, they have a boil, much like we do, but do not try to touch it, let it be, and it will empty itself.  Like us, the boil will come to a head on it's own... and will empty itself on it's own...NEVER try to squeeze lumps..NEVER.  All you can do is keep his water clean, put a little salt in his water, and treat him with kindness.  
Hope this helps you