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Betta fish spitting out food

23 15:07:52

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Question -

Thanks Chris!

I have reduced feeding (yet he still wont feed) and cleaned out his home. I noticed under his black stuff coming out of his Gill Cover, I also noticed a white stringy substance (this is my first fish so this may just be feces, although i am not too sure). He seems to be very active; his breading instincts are very strong. Yet, I feel that there is something wrong. Is there anything else i should be doing?



Hi Pat;

The white stringy stuff may just be decayed food and waste. If you actually see white stringy feces coming out of him it can mean internal parasites. There are parasite foods available for it, but he has to start eating.

The only other thing to do for him is keep him warmer. That often does the trick in a day or two.

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At Your Service;
Chris Robbins