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White Lump on Beta Fish

23 14:31:25

QUESTION: There is a white lump growing right in front of the eye of my beta fish. I have had him for about 3 1/2 years and he lives in a filtrated 2.5 gallon tank with his 3 guppy friends. I was wonder if fish actually got tumors and if there was anything I can do to help him.
ANSWER: Hi Megan;

Fish do develop tumors and even wart-like growths. If it is smooth and not cottony or anything like that I would suspect that's what it is. There really isn't anything you can do for it except help his immune system become stronger by making frequent water changes and don't overfeed. The tank is overcrowded so it wouldn't be too much to replace 25% twice a week. (It's actually just big enough for a betta or the guppies alone.) Keep the gravel clean especially. Lots of crud down there can cause high nitrates. Nitrates will lower your fishes' resistance to disease and retard growth. I hope he's okay...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have another tank that is 10 gallons and it contains 3 dwarf gouramis, 5 neon tetras and 2 bumble bee loaches, would it be okay to put the 3 guppies in that tank?

Hi Megan;

It's pretty crowded in the other 10 already but you might get away with it for awhile if you changed 25% of the water twice a week. But, watch the guppies' tails. If they are males the long colorful tails will become easy targets for fin nipping in such a small tank.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins