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Overfed Betta - Can I save him?

23 15:03:20

I have a beautiful betta in a comparatively small tank I keep at the office. I normally feed it about 6 small pellets a day. He's happy and has really handled life in my office well. Unfortunately, about an hour ago, my office mate dumped a good 20 or more pellets in by accident before I could stop him. My baby is hurting now -stomach distended, clearly uncomfortable moving, but when he stops moving, he just floats up on his side. Is there anything I can do? Is it better to keep him moving or let him rest? Is there anything I can add to the water as a laxative or to make him vomit? I'd hate to lose my precious companion over so stupid a mistake... Please help!

Hi Kim;

Poor little fella! Get his bowl to a warm spot to help him digest better. Bettas do well at up to a temperature of 85 degrees fahrenheit so 80 or 82 is good. This will increase his metabolism. Also give him epsom salt baths in a separate container. Here are web pages about it and what to do;

I hope he feels better soon.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins