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pop eye busted

23 15:03:21

I have a little 2.5 gal tank for about a year with a beta and an algae eater. Today I found my beta with one eye swollen & white in color. Thinking this was caused by poor water I did a 50% water change. I took the fish out the tank to clean the tank first. When I went to put them back I noticed the big "puss looking pocket" on his eye had popped & now it is bleeding.  What do I do now?

Hi Jessi;

The fact that it is now draining is a good thing actually. What you should do now is change 25% to 50% of the water every day while it heals. This will reduce the population of bacteria and fungi in the water and help prevent a second infection or continuation of the original infection.

You can use aquarium salt and a product called Melafix to help him heal too. Use a half teaspoon of salt per gallon. Add more salt when you change water, but only to treat the water you replaced and not for the whole tank. Unlike medications and water conditioners salt does not lose it's effectiveness or decay away. For instance, if you replace a gallon of water add back 1/2 teaspoon of the salt. Use the Melafix according to the instructions.

I hope he feels better soon.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins