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Would like to keep a coldwater crayfish

23 11:13:14

Hello Jon, I have never owned a crayfish and wondered if you had any knowledge of their upkeep, life expectancy, tank size, food needs, growth size, etc.

I have read info. about them but still am concerned about whether it's cruel to keep one in a 10 gallon tank.  I have an extra tank with a filter and have been fascinated by crayfish for awhile.

We have waterways not far from us (we're in the country in Southern Ontario) but felt it wasn't right taking one from it's natural habitat.  I don't want one that needs a heater and not too large in maturity either.

Thanks for answering!

Sorry for taking so long to respond, I haven't been receiving email notification of questions like i'm supposed to. Your 10 gallon tank will be fine. Freshwater crayfish, I haven't seen them get bigger than maybe 4 inches where im from so, taking that into consideration along with what you have read about them, I believe you will do just fine in taking care of them. They will eat anything a fish would leave behind, food no matter what kind, algae wafer etc. even dead or alive fish if able. Make sure you keep them a dark cool spot to hide and feel safe. They will scurry around at night looking for food. They are in fact pretty cool crustaceans. Good luck.