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My swollen Betta fish

23 14:36:21

I saw someone had asked the question on what to do with a swollen Beta fish, and Chris Robins suggests thawing out a frozen green pea.  I was wondering if I could use a canned pea, is there a difference?  Thanks for your time.

Hey Amber,

The reason we suggest using peas as a food source (and helpful healer) is that peas are rich in vitamins. The immune boost is really the key. Think of your fish the way you would a kid. When a kid's sick, you restrict the junk food, and increase the nutritious foods. Peas happen to be a high ranking choice for fish health, but personally, I prefer giving my fish the bristly green tops of broccoli. I find the added fiber helps clear out digestion problems in fish as well as upping their vitamin intake.

The best choice is a fresher fruit and veggies. Canned peas (with almost all canned foods) are salted, and have tons of preservatives. All of the extra salts and preservatives will effect water quality, as well as the vitamins the veggies pack! The fresher, the better. Really, the best you can do for your betta, is just make sure the water quality is good. Use a straw for water changes if possible, to avoid handling him (if he's in a small bowl) and try to keep him in the best possible conditions. Water and food combine can dramatically change a fish's healthy in a very short time.

Hope this helped, and i hope your betta feels better soon!