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angel fish and disease in water

23 11:52:09

QUESTION: Hi i dont want to waste your time babbling on about something you might not know a great deal on i do have an angel fish question tho but also some thing wrong with a tank that has no angels. well we had an angel fish that seemed to have an egg sack hanging from her i was told this would retract and then she would scatter the eggs on a smooth or suitable serface well this never happened we had her with four others in a 5ft by 2ft cleair setup with a selection of other cichlids some silver sharks and a group of clown loach.the water condition is perfect in the tank are slate,bogwood,white sand and always healthy fish.the angel did,nt seem to have a mate...she had the sack for more than a week then died we have had her for four years so sad to lose her and not know why..any clues. thankyou, faye.

ANSWER: Hi Faye,
Like humans, sometimes a fish has trouble letting her eggs go.  It would be my guess, that she just couldn't let the eggs out.  When this happens, the fish dies.  Seeing has she had no mate, she might have been keeping the eggs in, to protect them.  Angel fish are tricky to breed, it isn't that easy, and they are difficult to mate.  If she had a mate you would know for sure.  What surprises me is that you could see the sack.  It might have been something else, parasites, maybe..I am not convinced that this was eggs.  I breed Angel fish, and have bred them for a long time, and have never seen anything like this.  An Angel fish that has eggs, will let them go even if it is on the arm of the filter.  Strange things happen every day.  I wish I could have seen her to be sure that this was an egg sack.  I'm sorry for your loss, and hope that all your other fish are well, and happy.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your time and your helpful answer. And yes it was strange and we were not planning on them having any babys well at least we had'nt tried to breed them. i called one of the places that we have bought fish from in the past called wickford aquatics and they said it was the sack and you could see tiny little dots inside. But as we had not bred them befor i was enclined to believe him..wolly!!!!. and you are an expert so thanks alot for replying and one more thing befor i go,if this happens again ever (hopefully not) should we remove it or let it be.

If this happens again, would you please send me a picture!  I don't think this ever will, but if it does, try taking the sack off her...hard to do, I know, but I would surely try.  Once the sack removed, she might live.  You would have to treat your tank with a natural medication such as Melafix.  It makes me think of a woman whose placenta won't come down, and the doctor has to go get it.  
When Angel fish mate, you will see them holding each other by the mouth, and waltzing all over your tank.  This goes on for some time until they know they are of equal force.  This is called the nuptial dance.  If they are not of equal force, the stronger one will viciously attack the weaker one, sometimes causing death.  When you see this, you will have to remove one of them.  If they are of equal force, they will mate for life.  Sometimes they look after the fry, sometimes, only the male, or female will, and sometimes you have to do this yourself removing both male and female.  It's lots of observation, but Oh! see a tank full of little baby angels, is really awesome to see!!!
Hope this helps you understand Angel fish a little more.  If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to write me.