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My moms beta is ating sick!!!! What do i do??

23 14:47:38

My moms beta is atcting sick it's not eating(hold on a sec) i just pokedhim with the net...Nothing (sobs) My mom will be sad that's why i'm staying up till 3:00 a.m.HELLP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello Jessica-

Sorry to hear about your mom's betta - There are a few things you can try to hopefully get him back to normal.

First, try warming up the water to about 80 F. Secondly, add a dose of Melafix, to hopefully stimulate his metabolism. Aquarium salt may also help bring him back to normal.

Unfortunately, once bettas stop responding to external stimuli, there's not much left you can do.

Hope this is useful...
-Amber Worman