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Betta fish eye

23 11:29:41


Fish reddish eye
My fishes eye is a different color compared to this other eye. His eye has like an reddish color to it. I put him in a bowl to get him away from the other fish in the tank so the other one does not get it too. When I first got him both of his eyes were fine. I clean his tank once a week end and I don't have any filters in the tank. I keep my fish in that double beta fish tank that you can get at walmart. I also add some Aquarium salt and add some drops of Melafix. I live in Hawaii so I don't have any hard water or anything over here.  

Your little fish has "Popeye"  It is very difficult to detect what causes Popeye.  Unhealthy living quarters is usually the main cause.  Sometimes it is fluid that build up behind the eye.  There are many causes.  Your water should be kept very clean.  If your tank is smaller than 5 gallons, you must do water changes completely twice a week, always using a good water conditioner.  Make sure the bettas never see each other in your double tank.  
For now, you must treat him quickly.  If this disease is left untreated, it will progress very quickly, and a fish may lose an eye, sometimes both.
Treat him with Maracyn, and Maracyn-2 combined, or treat him with Tetracyline for 7 days.  Change his water every three days, and continue treatement.
Never use Melafix with Bettas.  This medication is much too strong for them, and could cause death.  When changing water, use Stress coat, or AquaPlus.  The pet store or Walmart have good water conditioners.  
I hope the little fish pulls through, and have a happy holiday season.