Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Red Devils and Red Oscars

Red Devils and Red Oscars

23 14:14:33

QUESTION: I Have two Red Devils and they are very aggressive to each other. One of them
always chases the other and I don't really care because, Hey they could be
playing around. now it has been getting a little bit more serious.

 Are Red Devils suppose to excessively chase each other?

Also I had two Red I have one it's partner died will it be ok?

ANSWER: Hi Krystal,
 Please understand that these fishes (red devils and oscars) are very territorial.  The one is ttying to kill the other one when it is chasing it, and in the case of the oscars, it evidentally succeeded.  If you put another one in, it will undoubtedly kill that one too.  

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: So now you mean my Red Devil ( who looks very healthy) is trying to kill my other Red Devil?(who looks horrible, has black lips now)

(Unfortunatley my other Oscar Died....)

ANSWER: Hi Krystal,

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Wow... Well now we have gotten a divider so there is two fish one each side.(the two Red Devils are seperated)
Was that the best thing to do?

Hi Krystal,
  If they need to stay in the same tank, then that is one solution.  There are other possible solutions.  For example, if
you put in a LOT of structure into the tank, e.g., wood, rock, plants that divides up the space, then more fish like red devils can occupy the space without running into each other so much.  And, if one fish is being chased, it has lots of places to hide.  But I mean a LOT of structure such that you can't see the back of the tank when looking from the front, not just a cave or rock or two.

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>