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New Tank: What are good community fish to stock?

23 11:58:05

I've gotten a new 75 gallon tank, and I'm looking to figure out what type of fish I should stock it with.
It's not set up yet, but I want to do plenty of research before I rush out and by fish, and I'm going to be letting the tank cycle for a few days before introducing my first pair of "tester" fish.
I've already had several fish tanks, and I'm trying to stay away from live breeders in this tank since I already have a tank full of them and might have to look into another tank for those Mollies. [[Things Never Stop!]]

So, I was wondering, what are some good fish I could keep in there, how many of that type is reasonable, and preferably still keep it a community tank with peaceful fish.

[[Also, I already know that I'm going to be getting a Pelco -Peco... no clue how to spell it, but it's a really harder algae eater.]]

Well, the standard community stocking is as follows.

Corydoras as a bottom feeder,
Dwarf cichlids or gouramis as a centerpiece
2 or 3 schools of characins or small, min-dwelling cyprinids
a dozen or so randomly assorted other fish. Cherry barbs, livebearers...etc

There are so many hundreds of different options it is impossible for me to tell you what to stock exactly.
However I can tell you that the pleco you want to get will get too big for your tank. Instead, look at the bristlenose pleco, or the rubberlipped pleco. They stay smaller and will actually eat algae, instead of the common plecos that will actually create algae.