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Betta not eating AT ALL!

23 14:59:34

Hi Chris,
I just recenly bought a male betta from Wal-Mart about a week ago.I am a previous fish owner ( including bettas) and I have never had problems with the fishes eating.When the fish was placed in a small betta designed tank, he seemed normal but slightly figety and didn't eat. Assuming the betta was still in shock, I simply thought nothing of it. But now, the fish is absolutely tempermental ,petrified of everything, and STILL refuses to eat anything. I purchased the Wardley betta fish food and I don't know if it's the food or anything of the nature, but I am scared the fish is going to die of starvation. Now the fish has plants in the tank and an artificial lillypad floating at the top. Can you please tell me what is wrong with my fish or what I'm doing wrong?

Hi Jen;

He sounds like just a nervous little guy. There's no telling what he may have been through before you took him home. A week seems like a long time not to eat, but for fish it really isn't. Fish can go for three weeks with no food at all and do just fine. So, you still have time to help him.

You might need to try a few things to help his appetite.

First, check the temperature of his water. Bettas are tropical and need 76 or higher to do well. They often stop eating at temperatures below that.

Change his water once a week too. If the tank is filtered, change 25% to 50%. If there is no filter, change 100% weekly. Use water that is the same temperature as the old water and be sure to use a water conditioner.

You might need to offer a different food. Try frozen brine shrimp or frozen bloodworms. Many bettas are raised on live or frozen foods and will not eat the dried types. Frozen foods last for months as long as they are kept frozen until used. Thaw a tiny bit in some tank water and put it in the tank with him. Remove uneaten food within an hour. A small net or turkey baster works great for that.

Also look closely at him to be sure there are no spots, blotches, swellings or growths. Let me know if you see anything unusual.

Try putting a mirror up to the tank. If he flares his gills and fins, he's probably fine and just needs more time to adjust. Keep things quiet around him and keep offering different foods until you find something he likes.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins