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Red/white flesh type growths

23 11:00:56

Texas parrot cichlid
Texas parrot cichlid  
I have a Texas parrot and he/she has recently developed some red/white flesh looking growths. I have been trying to research what it is and how it developed it with no luck. Initially we thought it was from other fish picking on it and that they were flesh wounds from being bit or what not. But after removing all the other aggressive fish the problem has not dissipated. Do you happen to know what it could be? There are growths by the dorsal fin, out of its gills, and one of his nostrils. Please help. We've also turned up the heat thinking maybe it's a bacteria. It's only been a day so we're waiting to see if it will improve within the next couple of days.

Hi Janice,
  I cannot be sure, but it looks like something called columnaris. Sadly, this is a very nasty bacterial infection. You can google it to find out more.  I have not had much success in treating it in the past.  Sorry.

-- Ron Coleman
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