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Transporting Betta Long-Distance

23 11:04:32

Hi Jaymie! I'm living at college right now and I got myself a betta fish friend this semester. I live about an hour's drive away, and I'm looking ahead to summer... what is the best way to transport him home without stressing him out? He lives in a three gallon tank, but I also own an unused one gallon tank and the original container he came from Petco in.

Another question - my roommate got a betta too, and she lives up in the mountains. She's heard that the altitude shift can kill fish, and she's worried about that on top of the general stress of the three-hour drive, part of which will be on dirt roads. Do you know how she can safely transport him come summer break?

Trisha, When transporting, it is best to do it with as little water as possible. Putting him back into the container you bought him in is ok to use since you are only traveling one hour. Do not put him into the container until you are ready to go, meaning, make him the last thing you put in the car. Do not feed him the day before and the day you leave to help cut down on waste. Place him on the car floor so that he can't get knocked over by accident placing blankets or towels around him. As for your friends fish, doing it gradually will help with the shift. Since her trip is longer, she will want to do a water change in his container half way through the trip. Just make sure the clean water is conditioned. Do not feed him the day before and day of the trip. Also, just a reminder, your Betta is a tropical fish and needs a heater set at 80 degrees at all times.