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deterating fish fins

23 11:07:29

hello Jaymie , I have been having a problem with ick in my tank ( currntly 30gallon moving up to 150 gallon) the treatments wernt working so i ask a friend who is also a fish hobbiest what i should do and he said uniodized salts will work just as long as water changes are kept up. i have been keeping up my water changes and the salt got rid the ick, but my xl redtailed shark her fins are starting to deterate please help. my tank has xl redtailed shark ( as mentioned) 2 id sharks and 1 bala shark. i feed them live food alternative and keep my tank at about 78 degrees and i do filer my water. you help will be verry much appreciated


Sounds like you have a case of fin rot. You can try any of the maracyns. Follow the direction on the bottle. Keep the water very clean and add aquarium salt to help heal. Turn the heater up to 80 and this will speed up the healing process. Let me know if this works.