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goldfishs fins

23 13:59:23

My goldfish's fins don't look right, they look like the ends of them are coming off.  the fish is black but there are little white strings hanging off the the ends of them.

Hi Kelli;

It's fin and tail rot. There are many possible causes and since you didn't give me any info about your tank and fish I can't really tell why it's happening, I can only give you a few hints. It could be ammonia poisoning burning the fins from overfeeding, overcrowding, new tank syndrome, or small tank size. Or, possibly bullying and nipping by other fish, or dirty water. All these factors can lead to secondary infection.

Start first by making a 25% water change. If your goldfish is in any tank smaller than 10 gallons, get a larger tank. Contrary to common belief, goldfish cannot live in small tanks or bowls. They are messy fish that get very large. Goldfish also need unheated tanks and to be with their own kind.

Let me know more about your fish and tank and we can go from there.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins